HOW TO BE CREATIVE – (19 ideas to try)
Have you ever thought about how creative people become creative, and is it something they can turn on and off at will? Learning how to be creative is simple if you can let go of your inhibitions and just be you. New ideas are sometimes not great, but hard work and spending the time to tap your creative thinking can be a bit of a journey some days.
It is not always easy to be inspirational when life throws many curve balls, especially if you have family and work full time. But here are few ideas for how to be creative to help you get started.
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The right side of the brain is where the magic happens. Many say, ‘oh, I am not creative.’ However, everyone can be as creative as they need to be. The importance is that you are using another part of your brain, which is good for overall wellbeing.
Various forms of social media are an excellent way to help your ideas grow by finding inspiration, references, and muses to help you visualize and explore. On the days when we creative types need new ways to work and design, the creative block appears without warning, and the craft of creativity can still be enjoyed.
These pointers will help identify some fresh ideas to get your creative juices flowing and help you live a more creative life.
How to Stay Creative if you are not naturally a creative person?
Plan. Plan to become Creative and give yourself a few hours a day a week and month to commit to living a creative life. You may fail or not like some of the pursuits, and the point is that you are applying the child-like approach to giving everything a go. Eventually, you will have found the strategies you can do to stay creative.
Attend Conferences/Seminars/Workshops
Get Involved! Who is out there? Eventbrite, and YouTube, to name but two, are online central locations where global organizations, Artists, Musicians, and many creative professionals talk before aspiring creatives.
The creative world can be welcoming as they share ideas, thoughts, creative solutions, creative journeys, tips, and so forth — these creatives even share what they do to get creative juices flowing. Get inspired as you explore the options available.
Join Social Media Communities
If you haven’t already, socially use social media. Take advantage of how social media can reach millions of people in seconds. Join Facebook groups interested in your craft and Instagram accounts sharing their artwork, photography, ballet, and theatre.
Start interacting with them through comments and DMs — maybe you can ask for collaboration, too. Give one another constructive criticisms and advice to improve one’s work. Social media can bring a benefit to your business when used wisely.
Take Online Courses
The internet has a wide variety of learning resources — some are free, and some courses need to be purchased. Whatever is feasible for you now, take that course and learn things that you thought you knew all too well. A new thing is always discovered — it might help you in your creative journey. To stay creative, you must always be willing to learn.
Start an Art Journal
This is one of the easiest and simplest ways to begin. Many creatives began their craft this way and often say this is how they create their own style.
Always have a book to hand. This is invaluable in making a note of your thoughts, events, ideas, and moments in time that you may forget but one day may use for your work and future income.
My notebook is like an encyclopedia as I attach art references, write poetry, words that come to me, and I have even been known to do sketching.
Art journals are even more helpful when undergoing an artist’s block; they create the space to read through and ignite those creative juices.
How to Express Creativity?
The first step in the creative process is to play and get those thoughts and ideas out of your brain and on paper. The creative brain has the freedom to explore and can go where it needs to.
Since we were children, parents and the education systems have engaged our creativity, reading, playdoh, arts, and hand painting. From the first days of school, teachers give activities that include coloring, drawing, painting, and writing because these are our favorite things. The good news is you can still use the same tactic today.
These are great ways to engage the brain and identify what creativity and child are drawn to. As an adult, it can be as rewarding to go back on those days and remember what I used to enjoy creatively as a child. Find some joy but still have time to do the everyday household jobs of being a Mum, Wife, and my career, let alone friendships.
Trying new things can be daunting, but here are a few ways to bring out that creative genius.
Doodle your life
Yes, Doodle. Most times, people doodle on tissue papers, magazines lying on a table, bus tickets, the back of notebooks, paper bags, and so forth. Even the tiniest detail matters — a spur-of-the-moment design when creativity suddenly strikes you.
I always have a notebook to hand. This helps me allow my thoughts to flow but not crowd me, and I refer back to my book sometimes; on those days, I need to re-think strategy for inspiration.
Begin Writing for creativity
Free writing is a beautiful way to get out the words you want to say around your creative project. Sometimes writing memory and how it made you feel can allow your thoughts to delve into your creativity words and their meaning have a simple way to express creativity.
For example, identifying a picture and how it makes you feel, writing composes scenery and stimulates the imagination.
Push your brain to read poems, odes, short stories, prose, essays, and more. Keep going even if you don’t understand; it is about the creative brain making new connections.
Coloring books
Adult coloring. Now, who didn’t buy one of these for themselves or their children? They do work.
Creativity in a person can be expressed through the choices of colors, making a line artwork even more prominent with the chosen colors. Many people color as a hobby on weekends, on the train, or after office hours.
Switching off the logical brain to create a simple drawing with your best coloring pencils can bring joy to your life on a rotten commute home.
For example: pretend you are a fashion designer and you must complete a collection before tomorrow.
Enjoy Creative Photography
If you have a phone, you have a camera, which is usually decent. Exploring the creativity around photography does not need to be too complex, demanding, or expensive. Think of the subject matter as wildlife, animals, city life, hobbies, holidays, and color themes.
A photo can be an expression of voice with one shot. A studio is also not always required — the image can simply be about the sunset, the night sky, your loved ones, or any subject you have at the moment.
The photo’s message must be felt even just by looking at it.
Hand Lettering
Calligraphy is a talented creative art where each brush stroke is delicate and can be of great therapy. Easily be fitted into you the day. Paper materials are easily accessible and invite many opportunities to sell works online. This allows your creative ideas to be expressed and simultaneously encourages a passive income.
Start Baking
Yes! Who doesn’t watch a baking show and not think I could do that.
Food is another form of creative expression as to what you would like to bake, decorate or cook. Creativity isn’t just in the form of art and literature, food presentation, to the design of bread, pastries, and cakes.
Your imagination can be stimulated by the ideas you have in mind. Baking also has elements such as shape, colors, texture, and so forth, which likens a form of art. All these decisions ignite your brain’s creativity daily, bringing balance.
Singing & Dancing
Okay, so you may have two left feet, but movement and music are a valuable way to immerse in creatively; otherwise, performances will be dull. Ballet, Opera, Tap, Community Choirs, Karaoke machines, and Playing an instrument can be another way to connect with like-minded creative people. Going to the theatre is a beautiful experience; exposure to a creative burst allows many to connect and find inspiration in the arts.
How to Overcome an Artist’s Block?
This is painful. Always remember, though, that you are not alone. Being Creative is a craft and takes effort and commitment to your daily routine. It can destroy the best of us when you feel you are lost for a moment or imposter syndrome is creeping in.
For creatives, it is what you call an artist’s block — to the literary creatives, it’s known as writer’s block. How do you fight this and not get stuck with it for months?
Don’t Force Yourself.
Be kind to yourself. Blocks are not a reason to tell yourself off. Step away at times of intensity and Adapting Mindful Processes to allow yourself to breathe and connect with your feeling, the stress, the confusion, and what your brain is telling you.
Our creative brains do need to rest and have their moments too. If you force yourself to create an output, the result might not be as satisfactory as previous creative works. Maybe those fewer creative days do the admin side of your business.
Look at references and inspirations instead of sitting, staring into nothing while waiting for an idea to come. Doing something is the point rather than nothing.
Do not allow the block to take over.
Surround Yourself with Comfort
I find in these times to go easy on myself and encourage a lot of comfort into my life. A comfort corner or a cozy nook is what you need, a warm bath with your favorite book.
Give your brain stimulation of your favorite things and foods to keep the brain matter moving. While surrounded by your favorite things, browse references and art inspirations — feed your brain and body simultaneously.
The idea is to continue fueling your creative passion and burn down the artist’s block.
Using Art Prompts
Which artist do you enjoy the most?
Who is your favorite singer?
How do they find their inspiration?
Research their creative process?
Every Creative has one. You still need to aim for original ideas and prioritize your own artwork, especially if you plan to sell your art. Amidst a creative’s block, you can still practice your craft. It doesn’t have to take over or be so big that you cannot continue.
Simplicity can be the key at this time as you can express your creativity bit by bit. Maybe go back over your previous works and look at the possibility of recreating previous works. Ideas might suddenly come up once you think of a new detail to add to the artwork.
Don’t forget the journal to make those notes!
Connect with Nature
In my opinion, the best inspiration of all. Nature. Get out there, go for a walk. Take the Kids to the wood. Too much of our time is spent online, but it is part of our life, and we need to manage those boundaries.
Wake up those senses, touch some grass, see how many shades of green are within the woodland, Go for a hike or nature walk, and take your camera phone to further your ideas to research when back home.
Take your notebook to the beach, sit in mindfulness, and hear the sounds of the waves, people, and the feel of the wind on your face. Consume nature and create content about it.
Get some fresh air, move your body, and admire the wonderfully designed muse.
Soak in the real thing until you can imitate it as art.
Create a To-Do List
This is not a list that will ever be finished, and this is a list to keep your inspirations in some order. Most times, a jam-packed schedule is a reason for an artist’s block. With responsibilities from different aspects of your life, burnout is inevitable.
The list is not to tell you off but to remind you and become observations as your tasks and appointments must be prioritized.
You’ll need a planner to properly manage tasks — cramming isn’t always the answer to a busy life. Planners are available in my store, and these digital downloads can undoubtedly help you with time management; I’ve made some of my best work when I followed a fixed to-do list.
How to Further Improve Your Craft?
No matter how great you think your artworks are, there is still room for improvement. It does not mean that your work is lacking — the point is you are responsible for your progress. Being stagnant is not an option.
Learn more, and these tips might help.
Start a Collaboration
Network Listen to other views, Build connections is essential in the creative industry. People get inspiration from people, so even those passing conversations can be of greatest inspiration. Some find great collaborations and creativity with another artist, or it can be group work.
Share each other’s ideas — learn from each other’s mistakes. These times can also be an excellent opportunity to discover something about your skill. You’ll only realize it once you work with others and find a creative solution together.
Step Outside your Comfort Zone
You know the say, ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway‘. It’s the same with creativity. Don’t be afraid to try out something new.
Experience other types of artwork —from cartoon drawing to photorealism, landscape photography to fashion photography, Ballet, Opera, traditional to digital. You can also include a change of medium; the list is endless but can bring much joy with the simplicity of using graphite pencils.
Change your methods and challenge yourself with unfamiliar techniques.
Get out and Travel
Understandably this is a challenge at this time. However, travel could be in your own country, town or city, somewhere local and where you have never been. A local Nature reserve or reservoir, maybe?
Explore the ancestors and historical buildings as each city or country has its traditional art. An art that symbolizes their lifestyle and culture — acquire knowledge from actual people from the places you visit.
The internet might be a reliable source of information, but it still hits differently — experience the place personally.
Spend some of your free time really getting to know the area around you as unfamiliar places can have many references and inspiration for you to use.
Teach someone what you know
Some thoroughly enjoy the art of being a teacher, but it does not mean your student is the only one who gains knowledge. Teaching can give a moment of observation of another’s ways of working.
You’ll see where you can expand an idea or where you may be lacking and the best solution to resolve the issue. Also, you get to give back to the world by inspiring someone — who is an aspiring creative. While teaching, you’ll start realizing that there is always room for improvement
Going for a short Walk
Early Morning walks, Night walks, and mindfulness walking refresh the body and the mind. Many professionals describe the simple activity of walking as therapy and physical activity. According to studies, moving your body can boost your creativity. A 10-20-minute walk is an excellent factor in enhancing your cognitive skills. Also, walking can allow you to observe your surroundings. A creative idea might appear from those observations — that can be your eureka moment!
Final thoughts on how to be creative: Our creative potential is sleeping in all of us, and I hope these ideas will help you let your mind wander and start that creative flow. Spend a lot of time with your creative thoughts each day as every little thing with help you start to become creative, so with deliberate practice, your ideas will flow more readily.
If you found this post helpful, please consider sharing on social media and Pinterest. It really helps.
Here are a few more posts to help with your creative side :
How to make printables to sell
Creative ways to earn money from home
Bye for now